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How To Uninstall TurboTax on Mac?

Are you looking for a step-by-step guide on how to uninstall TurboTax from your Mac? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the entire process of uninstalling TurboTax from your Mac system. Whether you’re switching to a different tax software or you’ve completed your tax filing and no longer need TurboTax, we’ve got you covered. Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth and complete uninstallation process.


TurboTax is a popular tax preparation software used by millions of users around the world to file their taxes accurately and efficiently. However, there might come a time when you decide to switch to a different tax software or you no longer need TurboTax on your Mac. Uninstalling software from your Mac is a straightforward process, and we are here to guide you through it.

Before You Begin

Before diving into the uninstallation process, it’s important to back up any important tax files or data that you have stored within TurboTax. This will ensure that no crucial data is lost during the uninstallation process. Once you have backed up your files, follow these steps:

Uninstalling TurboTax

  1. Locate the TurboTax application in your Applications folder. You can access the Applications folder by clicking on the “Go” menu in the Finder and selecting “Applications.”
  2. Drag and drop the TurboTax application icon into the Trash. Alternatively, you can right-click on the icon and select “Move to Trash.”

Removing Leftover Files

Even after moving the application to the Trash, there might be leftover files and preferences associated with TurboTax on your Mac. To ensure a complete uninstallation, follow these steps:

  1. Open Finder and click on the “Go” menu. Select “Go to Folder.”
  2. Type in “~/Library/” and press “Go.” This will take you to the Library folder in your user directory.
  3. Look for folders related to TurboTax. These might be located in the “Application Support” and “Preferences” folders. Drag any TurboTax-related folders to the Trash.

Emptying Trash and Restarting

After you have deleted the TurboTax application and its associated files, it’s time to empty the Trash and restart your Mac:

  1. Right-click on the Trash icon in your dock and select “Empty Trash.”
  2. Restart your Mac to ensure that all traces of TurboTax have been removed from your system.


Congratulations! You have successfully uninstalled TurboTax from your Mac. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a complete and thorough removal of the software. Remember to back up your important tax files before starting the uninstallation process to avoid any data loss.

In conclusion, removing TurboTax from your Mac is a straightforward process that involves uninstalling the application, deleting leftover files, emptying the Trash, and restarting your system. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Mac is free of any traces of TurboTax, allowing you to explore other tax software options or simply declutter your system. Remember to always back up important files before making any significant changes to your software setup.

Olivia Charlotte
Olivia Charlottehttps://sarticle.com
Olivia Charlotte can usually be found reading a book or doing something new, something creative. It mesmerized her to do something that will help her to feel she's helping others with her knowledge. After her graduation, she got herself into reading and writing many creatives. In her lonely time, she found cooking her favorite dishes. Olivia always keeps herself a bit separate from others because her mind is always thinking and not everyone can accept it. After she found SArticle.com, she finally had a place to share her helpful writings with people who want to get resourceful articles on almost anything.
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